Here's a List of HILARIOUS and INSANE Banned Baby Names

Just imagine if some of the insane and hilarious names would be banned in India, what would happen. Suppose the names like Totaram, Ramu and Shaalu will be banned, how the people will react. And those who are still living their life with such names, how would they feel? It may sound awkward to you but this interesting incident has happened in US. Sonora, a city in Mexican state has now banned 159 names. However, these names are banned for the newborns. Now parents won’t be able to choose any of these 159 names for their newborns. But there is something more surprising to that. While checking the statistics, it was found that all of these banned names have been registered at least once. It means that these names were already taken by some parents for their newborn babies. It has been a regular practice in Sonora to keep the baby names like Panties and Rambo. Some other names that are included in the list of 159 banned names are Circumcision, Martian, Panties, Facebook...