Tourist Attractions of Philippines

Philippines is a hot tourist destination with happy go lucky atmosphere, teeming cities, emerald rice fields, enchanting scenery and pristine beaches. It has seven thousand islands. The islands of Philippines are quite different from those of South East Asia. It has overwhelming catholic culture and Spanish roots. Though this land has the influence of Americans, yet you will find that English is more popular as foreign language in this country.


Dense mountain forests with sandy beaches jostle will definitely catch your attention. Modern shopping malls along with colonial churches will allure you with the exquisite architecture lord. If you are thinking that such charismatic beauty should be limited to you, then you are mistaking.

It is because millions of tourists visit this place to capture some beautiful moments of their life. Let’s check it out in details that which are the most popular tourist destination in Philippines. Let’s start with Boracay.


This is an island in Philippines which has turned into gigantic tourist center after seventies. New resorts and hotels are opening every year. The repertoire of this island is already wide and the markets on this island are opening extra shops, more restaurants and new bars constantly. Despite of these modern additions, you will enjoy a typical day as tourist with white beach. You can play beach volleyball, enjoy the tanning of skin due to sun, drinking fruit shakes, and tropical cocktails.

If you are an adventure loving person, then you will enjoy snorkelling, windsurfing, kite surfing and diving.
To reach this island you have to take a flight to Caticlan. After reaching Caticlan you can reach to this island with a fleet of boats. So, you can enjoy the charismatic beauty of Boracay and have some good time with your family or spouse. Get your tickets booked in advance to enjoy your next holidays in Boracay.


Manila is the capital city of the Philippines. This city is a teeming metropolis and with each passing day it is swelling up due to the increased population. Manila can be considered as a megacity which soon going to be explosive and its increasing size will soon capture the boundaries in the villages of countryside.

Manila is an action packed city. You will find many interesting things to see and do here. This city is also special in a way that it is the main entry point of the country.

The international airport of this city is always ultra busy due to many flights heading over to its airport from across the world. The terminals of buses is always crowded tourists and locals. The harbour is also busy always carrying the fast ferries to other islands. You will also enjoy shopping here as this is the city with countless shopping malls.

Along with modern markets, you will also get a glimpse of traditional markets. You will find it interesting to take a tour of Catholic churches. Carnivals and festivals are other attractions. If you are fond of political memorabilia, scientific treasures, beautiful paintings and traditional artifacts.


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