Moral Meemaansa- The Beginning part-2

Attitude and Values

Arun was born and brought up in a Brahmin family. Now clearly telling you, before any Brahmin kid begins understanding something, his first introduction is always to the Gods and Goddesses, whom they worship and this is a part of the lifestyle of these families, who belong to this caste in India. Arun today in his late twenties is outside his hometown.

After office in evening mother calls and tells him, go to nearby temple when he will be free on Saturday and Sunday. Just after dinner that day, recollecting childhood, many prayers without any effort by him flowed through his mouth and at present what has happened? What’s wrong with me? Soon self-defense takes place, I do remember DurgaChalisa.

He was confident enough that if someone says to recite it, anytime, he could definitely do that. Strangely, Arun had in born respect for lord Shiva. Now with this comes the attitude of the kid, who has clearly not understood why he should pray, but prays before his mother and its Goddess’s prayer that easily flows through his mouth. Nevertheless, there is no change in his liking for Lord Shiva, who is Devadhidev to him.


I do not know whether it was Shiva’s supremacy or his little knowledge. To my wonder that child has not yet changed in him. That is the Arun’s attitude, which makes him still fond of lord Shiva despite knowing the fact that Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh all three are equivalent and above that it is Lord Vishnu, who takes care of the earth? Then he still likes Lord Shiva, Great! It was gender, which compelled him to have lord Shiva as brain ruler on religious front. He must have thought he is male and lord Shiva is also male and the goddess is good for praying. Why not to have limitless or the one who sets limit for others is the one whom he should fully respect consciously and unconsciously.

While in solitude at his rented room, past events were coming like a flashback on television. He simply shut down his computer and was very keen to recollect, what I was and what he is now?

He studied his first two classes in govt. school and it was after the final exams of class first he went first time to get his result. Teacher announced he stood Pratham in class, leaving him in total confusion and carried on announcing pass or fail, second and third. He thought that he has failed in the exam, because the boy didn’t knew that Pratham in Hindi word’s meaning is first position. Now defending Arun is not difficult for me as it was remote area and all the boy knew were three words first, pass or fail in results. He was popular in whole school without being aware of it.

It was he, who orated poem before District Collector (D.C.) when he was on the routine check of school and teacher was sent out of the class to know what they really teach? Now DC thinking that boy tricked him, took textbook, looked for poem, and asked other fellows too, then he asked Arun that how he memorized the poem and not others? He answered that I studied it and when you remember things, one can tell anyone who asks for it. Brahmins are upper class in society not because of their wealth but the caste they belong. If you are a Brahmin in India and happen to visit anyone’s house, rich or poor, the host feels blessed. This was in the past, prevails in present and can’t predict the future that will this trend continue?

During the start of third standard, his school and living place both got changed. Now he was in new area, so called civilized society by his mother. Arun was shocked when he recollected first two days of his new school. He was shown high standard of the school and he just bowed before them. It took not so long for him to get fifth position in class in the results. Civilized ones were knocked off in fifth standard block exams, taking top position, Pratham.

However, he analyzed that something was wrong with him from the very beginning.

story to be continued.........


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