Beauty is the drug of all the times

Beauty stimulates the same area of the brain which is stimulated by opioid morphine (certain kind of drug). The brain feels pretty face; a new study has found that thing. Olga Chelnokova, psychologist and researcher at the University of Oslo in Norway said, "Like delicious food and good music it is beneficial for people to be connected to a romantic partner." Chelnokova and his colleagues involved 30 healthy people in their study. Some of these people were given morphine, which stimulates the brain’s Opioid System. Other people were given Opioid (similar drug like that of morphine). The scientists showed people pictures of women's faces, which were difference in attractiveness. In Live Science, scientists report that the people asked to assess each face according to their choices. Scientists also accounted for the fact that how long people saw each face. Those who were given morphine, they looked more attractive faces longer. They given less time to the ...